Tuesday, April 17, 2007

1 Timothy 2:12-15 (part 2)

v. 11 "A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet."

John Piper apparently preached from 1 Peter 3:1-7 on Sunday. It's a great sermon. Very similar to 1 Timothy 2.

Piper's sermon on 1 Timothy 12:11-15 asks imporant questions: What is meant by "quiet," what is meant by "teach," and what is meant by "authority?"

This "quiet" is the same word as found in verse 2. "...so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." It doesn't mean a mute existence, but instead seems more like tranquil and peaceful. The absence of disturbance or controversy.

"Teach" is found all over scripture. Women are commanded to teach other women, Timothy himself was taught by his mom and grandmother, Priscilla and her husband taught Apollos. So, clearly women can and do teach in scripture.

"Authority" is also used in verse 2, referring to kings and "all who are in authority." Authority is apparently some form of governorship. Paul later writes about "Elders who rule (or govern) well..." in chapter 5.

Piper surmises that the kind of teaching women are being told not to do is that which would put them in authority over other men. It's sometimes difficult to be be resolute about what kind of teaching puts people in authority. Some teaching is just teaching, with little or no authority attached.

However, as we get into chapter 3 and see the qualifications for elders, who are to govern the church, one can see that if a woman holds that office then she would have "authority" over other men. Since elders were called to both govern and teach, it stands to reason that Paul is excluding women from holding that office, or teaching as an elder.

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